NHS | Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)

Information about what is sexual assault, what to do if you have been sexually assaulted (or supporting someone who has) and how to find your nearest SARC.

Rape Crisis

Rape Crisis is for those who have experienced sexual abuse, rape or any kind of sexual violence. Information about finding your nearest Crisis Centre and their services.

National Helpline: 0808 802 9999 (12:00 - 14:30 and 19:00 - 21:30 daily)

Solace Women’s Aid

Solace Women’s Aid offers free advice and support to women and children in London to build safe and strong lives. Futures free from abuse and violence.

Supportline: 0808 802 5565 (for free and confidential advice and support for women in London affected by abuse)

Victim Support

An independent charity delivering tailored support to help people recover from the effects of crime and traumatic events.

Supportline: 0808 16 89 111 (24/7, every day of the year, including Christmas)

The Survivors Trust

Collection of member organisations (129) based in the UK & Ireland which provide specialist support for women, men & children who have survived rape, sexual violence or childhood sexual abuse. Find information about how to access support, advice, resources and information and local service centres. Helpline available Monday to Friday day times.


24 hour National Abuse Helpline 

0808 2000 247 (Main Line)

Live chat function: Monday-Friday from 3pm till 10pm 

National Centre for Domestic Violence

0800 970 2070

Text: NCDV to 60777


Latin American Women’s Rights Service

0808 145 4909


Womens Aid

Offer a forum and live chat through their website

National LGBTQ+ Domestic Abuse Helpline

0800 999 5428

National Domestic Abuse Helpline

0808 200 0247

Victim Support 

0808 168 9291

Men’s Advice Line

0808 801 0327

Modern Slavery

08000 121 700


Sutton Women's Centre

020 8661 1991


020 8092 7569

Not Alone in Sutton

Rape Crisis South London

0808 802 9999